HTTP Authentication Digest – effective logout action

Using Digest Access Authentication you probably encountered the problem with effective logout. I solved this with timeout option. My solution to this is as follows:

MVC logout action:

public function logoutAction()
  // the rendered page should contains automatic redirection to page for action /auth/login
  // e.g. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url=http://domain/auth/login">

MVC login action:

public function loginAction()
  $timeout = 3600;
  if( $YourSessionObject->IsForcedLogout() ){
    $timeout = 1;
  // config for Zend Framework auth.
  $config = array(
    'accept_schemes' =>'digest',
    'realm' =>Zend_Registry::get('realm'),
    'digest_domains' =>'/',
    'nonce_timeout' =>$timeout,

So, the previous ‘authorize’ data in apache header are invalid and thus http server requires to input fresh data.

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