Archive for February, 2011

HTTP Authentication Digest – effective logout action

Using Digest Access Authentication you probably encountered the problem with effective logout. I solved this with timeout option. My solution to this is as follows: MVC logout action: public function logoutAction() { $YourSessionObject->ForceLogout(True); // the rendered page should contains automatic redirection to page for action /auth/login // e.g. <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”2;url=http://domain/auth/login”> $this->Render(); } MVC login […]


Triggers, ETL and MySQL

One of my slaves works as a bridge between the old and the new structure. The master’s version did not allow to use triggers yet, so only the slave had its own triggers. After upgrade, the master supports triggers and has new ones (different than triggers on slave) on the same tables when comparing to […]