Archive for January, 2015

Elasticsearch backup

Install JQ to make Json more human readable. #!/bin/bash # Backup of elasticsearch # Scenario: make backup of every open index once a day function write_to_stderr { echo “$@” 1>&2 } INDEX_TO_EXLUDE=”^_\|SOME_SPECIAL_INDEX” REPOSITORY=”backup” for INDEX_NAME in `curl ‘localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v’ 2>/dev/null | grep “\sopen\s” | awk ‘{print $3}’ `; do INDEX_LOG_FILE=”/tmp/bck.$INDEX_NAME.log” IS_SPECIAL_INDEX=`echo “$INDEX_NAME” | grep -c “$INDEX_TO_EXLUDE” […]


Zabbix MySQL Percona Monitoring Plugins – many servers monitored with one plugin

My aim was to avoid installation of any additional software on database servers (PHP). Simultaneously, a plugin for monitoring Mysql server, I needed to install, required PHP. In order to meet my needs I decided modify a bit the Percona plugin and get the data through http. You need some http server, then configure virtual […]